Vickie’s Angel Walk is involved with many fundraising events throughout the year, with the walk being the largest and most attended event. Mickey Minnich, founder and president of the organization, said “What makes this organization so special is that 100% of the money raised by the annual walk goes directly to local families in need.”
Vickie’s Angel Walk was established in 2003 by Mickey to honor his late wife Vickie, after she lost her battle with cancer. What started out as a single fundraising event – The Walk – has now grown to several events held throughout the year: bike rides, dances, and Zumba classes…just to name a few. More than 300 families have been helped with nearly $800,000 raised, to date. Volunteers hope to raise more than $100,000 at this year’s walk and anticipate over 80 teams with around 1,000 walkers in all.
Teams of walkers are forming now or you can register the day of the event. For information on participating or making donations, please call Mickey Minnich at 717-774-3800, email at
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or visit
Vickie’s Angel Walk , Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit, with a mission of helping families fighting cancer who have difficulty paying their bills because of the cancer. The goal is to take the financial worry away from the family so they can focus on fighting the cancer and not their finances. In many cases Vickie’s Angel Walk is a temporary bridge to move the family from despair on how they will pay their bills to where they can focus on Love, Faith and Hope.
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